To make great leaders for tomorrow by training the youth of today

Why LEadership academy??

We announced a few years ago, a desire to have a Leadership Academy. So, we started raising funds for the Leadership Initiative. Pastor began teaching Leadership concepts to the students in Christian Leadership Training class, from books like: Way of the Warrior Kid by Jocko Willinick, 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, and Pilgrim’s Progress, as well as many other great Leadership concepts and skills. The ultimate desire for this is to not only teach the students leadership concepts, but help them to learn, work through, and live out those leadership concepts. But it doesn’t stop there…the next phase of our desire is to train our adults Leadership concepts, so that we can develop Christian Leaders to influence the world we live in.


Our desire is to teach the students leadership concepts, but help them to learn, work through, and live out those leadership concepts